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Back in December of 2022, I needed a warp-weighted loom for a demo. The process of creating one can be found in this post. After I wrote the blog post, the woman who helped me create it asked if we could work together to make my version available for sale. She — Jennifer Marcus of Fiber Paintings Studio — wanted to name it after me, because I’d changed her original loom so much. Jennifer has been wonderful to work with, and I’m excited we can offer a portable warp-weighted loom (WWL) that doesn’t require woodworking knowledge to set up.
Buy the loom HERE and get extra heddle bars/holders HERE.

Besides the parts that come with the loom, you’ll also need:
- Small weights, about 6-8oz (175-225g) each
- Cotton or linen twine to make heddle loops with
I’m going to put together a tutorial, but for now watch parts 4-7 of this video series. The principles are the same.
I “invented” the top roller bar (I’m sure I’m not the first or even millionth person to have this idea) so you can make fabric longer than the height of the loom. The warp hangs from the bar, with the brakes resting behind the top beam.

When you want to roll up the fabric onto the beam, just carefully remove the twine holding it in place; roll the woven fabric up enough that the brakes are behind the top frame; then put the ends of the beam back in the twine. It’s a little clumsy, I know. Jennifer and I are open to better ideas, but it does work.
I’m in the process of warping with three heddle bars; this will give me four sheds, which means I can weave four-shaft patterns like 2/2 twill. You can buy addition heddle bars (with holders) from Jennifer. I’ll post pictures soon.